Greeting Card - Thank you
Send a message to your friend telling them you love them!
I wanted to spread the message that we need to look after all our pack. We are part of an intrinsic web connected to everything in nature. We can't go killing one animal in this instance thinking it will solve the problems of caribou extinction. My inspiration comes from Permaculture and in this system if something is unbalanced you need to look at how to balance it out. Never killing anything. I was horrified to learn that in British Columbia, Canada, wolves continue to be killed through a variety of means. These include legal recreational hunting and trapping. You can help us to end the killing of BC’s wolves. Find out how to help https://www.raincoast.org/
blank inside
size: 4.25" x 5.5" (A2)
printed on white cardstock FSC® paper from responsible sources.
packaging: kraft envelope
Made with love in Canada
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